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lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others

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 lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others  Empty lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others

Message  Invité 2013-09-23, 16:24

hallo my name is gianluca this is my layout my collections of model ho is dedicate to locomotive and coach handmade of slovenian,croatian and another balkans state
My plastic modular description-
the current size is 3x3 meters with a structure of 6 moduli.ha received a revamp last year
, leaving only the part of the original station had old layout ''museum''il more 'than twenty 'new year are the two passers-side B-side entrance and exit station, the last and' under construction at this time-
Armament and 'hoarse switches with self-built parts visibili.solo hoarse about whether old-line
represents a secondary station with four tracks and a small goods yard, depot turntable steam and calls for the coal mine-
the line and 'single-track line until deflected
towards Dalmatia and the sea with only diesel line ends station in the fantasy-shoveled
the other line leads to the Croatian border station sapjane made between the real and unreal, where changes can be done at 3000V traction 25/50kv-
buildings and works of art are self-made and commercial management and and 'fully analog
setting is the 'line from the Trieste Karst in the woods that go to ljubljana Jesenice former border with Austria and
pushes toward the coast Dalmatian ........

my website
bye gomulka

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 lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others  Empty Re: lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others

Message  Rick 12 2013-09-23, 19:41

Jolie vidéo sur les reseaux cheers 


Richard.clin d'oeil 
Rick 12
Posteur Persévérant
Posteur Persévérant

Nombre de messages : 533
Age : 61
Localisation : Millau Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2013

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 lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others  Empty Re: lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others

Message  2D2_5300 2013-09-23, 20:50

Welcome here !!clin d'oeil 
Posteur Mentor
Posteur Mentor

Nombre de messages : 1688
Age : 39
Localisation : Salies du Salat (31260)
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2007

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 lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others  Empty Re: lucas's train page slovenja-croatia-others

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